Sugar Flush Pro

Sugar Flush Pro is a diabetes supplement featuring a blend of natural ingredients to support healthy blood sugar.

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Sugar Flush Pro is a nutritional supplement designed to flush sugar from your body.

Available exclusively through, the supplement was created by an ordinary girl named Amy Walter who struggled with her weight. Amy wanted an easy solution – so she created one.

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Sugar Flush Pro and how it works today in our review.

What is Sugar Flush Pro?

Sugar Flush Pro is a diabetes supplement featuring a blend of natural ingredients to support healthy blood sugar.

Developed by an accountant named Amy Walter, Sugar Flush Pro uses a recipe from the Japanese island of Okinawa to balance blood sugar and support weight loss.

Amy partnered with an endocrinology researcher named Dr. Tsuda to develop the formula. After taking the formula for the first time, Amy lowered her blood sugar significantly and lost 27lbs in just seven days. Motivated by her success, she wanted to share Sugar Flush Pro with the world.

Today, anyone can buy Sugar Flush Pro online for $59 per bottle. All purchases come with a 180 day moneyback guarantee.

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Who Created Sugar Flush Pro?

Sugar Flush Pro was formulated by an accountant named Amy Walter.

Amy had struggled with weight her whole life. One day, her weight led to a humiliating public incident.

Amy was at a theme park. She had lined up for a roller coaster with her husband, excited to try the new ride. Unfortunately, the attendant was unable to close the harness over Amy. He struggled for 15 minutes to make Amy fit, but nothing worked. Amy was forced to get off the ride because it was a safety hazard.

Here’s how Amy explains the incident:

“…[I] was the laughing stock who couldn’t fit into the rollercoaster ride, holding up hundreds of people in the queue – with all of their eyes glued at me looking at how I was just another ‘fatty’ holding up the queue and wasting their time”

Amy felt like she was a complete waste of space. She felt like she didn’t deserve to live. She fell asleep crying.

When Amy woke up, things got worse: she had blurry vision and spots in her eyes. Amy visited the optometrist, who diagnosed her with diabetic retinopathy. Amy didn’t even know she had diabetes.

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Amy Nearly Entered a Diabetic Coma Before Taking Sugar Flush Pro

Amy rushed to the hospital after the diagnosis. Suddenly, her weight problems made sense. She had diabetes.

At the hospital, doctors hooked Amy up to IVs. Her kidneys were on the verge of failure. She was facing the amputation of a limb and dialysis treatment.

Amy’s diabetes was so severe, she entered a diabetic coma. She was in the coma at the hospital for five days straight.

When Amy woke up, doctors warned her blood sugar had been dangerously high: 270 mg/dL. They gave her a shot of insulin, prescribed medication, and scheduled a doctor’s visit three months later.

Amy was shocked at the cost of insulin. Her hospital stay had nearly bankrupted her family. Now, she was faced with the high cost of insulin.

Amy started to search for alternatives to insulin. She started to look for cheaper ways to treat her diabetes.

Eventually, an investigative journalist “insider” reached out to Amy. He told Amy big pharmaceutical companies were deliberately suppressing cures for diabetes. In fact, he claims the secret to diabetes was on the Japanese island of Okinawa, home to some of the oldest and healthiest people on the planet.

Amy Partnered with Dr. Tsuda, a Leading Endocrinology Researcher in Japan, to Create Sugar Flush Pro

Amy started to research the Japanese island of Okinawa and its natural treatments for diabetes. Her search led her to a man named Dr. Tsuda, who specialized in endocrinology research.

Dr. Tsuda spoke with Amy on the phone. He told her diabetes, pre-diabetes, and high blood sugar cause weight gain.

Dr. Tsuda also warned Amy of the dangers of taking insulin. Despite the fact doctors had prescribed insulin to treat Amy’s diabetes, Dr. Tsuda claimed it “wasn’t the answer” to her condition:

“…the more insulin shots [diabetics] took – the more of this blood sugar – would be turned into fat, in the process known as lipogenesis. This meant that more ‘insulin’ wasn’t the answer, and the real answer was controlling the levels of glucose that was entering the bloodstream…”

Instead of prescribing insulin, Dr. Tsuda told Amy to take a mix of herbs and plants sourced from traditional Kampo medicine. Dr. Tsuda claimed the recipe traced its origins back 1,400 years.

To make a long story short, Amy collected Dr. Tsuda’s recommended herbs and plants, packaged them into a formula, and started to take the supplement. She flushed blood sugar from her body, lost weight, and transformed her health. Today, anyone can buy Sugar Flush Pro to experience similar effects.

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